Night lighting: set up Windows for a restful night's work

In today's world, where the hours we spend in front of electronic screens are constantly increasing, caring for our eyes becomes even more important. The blue light from screens can affect our sleep and our general well-being.

The function "Night Light" in Windows can be an important tool for reducing eye fatigue and improving sleep quality.

Below is how to set up this night mode, adjusting the color temperature and setting a schedule to turn it on and off automatically.

Easy Activation and Deactivation

First of all we can easily turn on and off the night light from the taskbar with two clicks. In the Notification Center located at the bottom right of the taskbar (11) click and in the drop-down menu click the corresponding button (12) of the night lighting to enable the feature or later disable it.

When the function is activated, the button and corresponding button icon change colour (sun or moon).

Color heat setting and automatic programming

First open the menu (1) and click on the settings (2) on the gear icon.

When the settings menu opens, select the system (3) and then select Display (4).

In the Brightness and colour menu, tap the bar (5), not the button on the right.

First turn on the night light with the button (6) and drag the bar (7) to the desired point by adjusting how "warm" the colour should be.

Turning on the programming switch (8) will display the schedule of automatic activation and deactivation of the function. Select the time at which you wish the night lighting function to be switched on in the evening and switched off in the morning.

Through this small guide, we saw how to enable and configure the Night Light of Windows that can help protect your eyes from blue light and improve your sleep.

If this article has helped you or you have other techniques for protecting your eyes before bedtime, please share your thoughts and experiences.

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