WordPress: My favorite plugins for a website

The WordPress αποτελεί μια από τις πιο δημοφιλείς πλατφόρμες για τη δημιουργία κάθε είδους ιστοσελίδων στο διαδίκτυο. Με μια πληθώρα επεκτάσεων (plugins) που προσθέτουν extra λειτουργίες, το WordPress επιτρέπει στους χρήστες του να προσαρμόσουν το website τους ακριβώς όπως το επιθυμούν. Από plugins που βελτιώνουν την απόδοση και την ασφάλεια μέχρι επεκτάσεις που προσθέτουν νέες λειτουργίες, το WordPress προσφέρει ένα ολοκληρωμένο περιβάλλον για τη δημιουργία ενός επιτυχημένου ιστότοπου.

In this article, you will see my favorite plugins that are essential for creating a complete website on WordPress.

The necessary add-ons for all WP websites

Wordfence Security: add security to WP

The Wordfence Security is a security add-on that protects your website from malicious attacks, hackers and malware. It offers a plethora of security features to keep your WordPress safe and secure.

Key features include protection against brute force attacks and XML-RPC attacks, as well as malware detection and removal. It also offers advanced features such as file change tracking, executable file security checking, two factor authentication, google recaptcha and more.

LiteSpeed Cache: Speed up your Website

The LiteSpeed Cache is a powerful plugin that improves the performance and speed of your website using caching techniques. This add-on takes advantage of LiteSpeed Web Server technology, which offers extremely fast performance and reduces page load time.

Key features include automatic HTML, CSS and JavaScript minimization, caching of pages, visual exploitation of the CDN mechanism and the ability to compress images. In addition, it offers features such as optimized database, HTTP/2 support and analytical reports from the dashboard.

LiteSpeed Cache is one of the necessary add-ons for optimizing your website.

UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore

The UpdraftPlus is one of the leading backup add-ons that offers easy and reliable backup and recovery management. With this add-on, you can automatically create scheduled backups of your website and store them in various locations such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 and more.

It also offers the ability to recover backups with a simple click, making the recovery process quick and easy.

Site Kit by Google: Integration of Google Tools

The Site Kit by Google is an extremely useful plugin for any website that wants to take advantage of Google's powerful tools. This add-on brings key Google features such as Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense and PageSpeed Insights directly to the WordPress control panel.

Με το Site Kit, you can monitor the performance of your website, optimize its visibility in Google search results, manage AdSense ads and improve the loading speed of your website.

CookieYes: Add Cookies Update

The plugin CookieYes αποτελεί ένα απαραίτητο πρόσθετο για κάθε ιστότοπο που λειτουργεί με WordPress. Οι απαιτήσεις περί προστασίας δεδομένων και συμμόρφωσης με τους κανονισμούς GDPR και άλλες νομοθεσίες περί απορρήτου καλύπτονται πλήρως από το CookieYes που προσφέρει μια εύκολη και αποτελεσματική λύση.

With CookieYes, you can easily and efficiently manage your compliance with data protection requirements, while providing a great user experience for your visitors.

Extra plugins for special needs

Email Newsletter: communication with readers

The plugin Email Newsletter is an essential tool for any blog or website that wishes to maintain close contact with its readers.

With the help of this plugin, you can easily create and manage a list of recipients for your newsletter, and send content to your subscribers with a simple click.

Yoast SEO: Improve your appearance in search engines

The Yoast SEO is a powerful WordPress plugin that helps optimize your site for search engines. With features like page content analysis, XML map creation, metatags management and more, it's an essential tool for improving your site's visibility in search engine results.

TranslatePress: Πολυγλωσσική Ιστοσελίδα

The TranslatePress is an plugin that allows you to easily translate your website into multiple languages. With TranslatePress, you can translate your website content perfectly integrated into the WordPress text editor.

The TranslatePress interface is user-friendly and provides real-time previews of your translations, making the translation process fast and efficient.

Post Views Counter: Article Views Counter

The Post Views Counter is a plugin that allows you to track your article views in WordPress. With this add-on, you can show the number of views of each article to your readers, providing a transparent view of the popularity of your posts.

In addition, Post Views Counter offers many customization options, such as displaying the views counter in different parts of your website, customizing the style of the display, and the ability to choose which articles are tracked.

WP Server Stats: WP Server Statistics

The WP Server Stats is a plugin that provides statistics about your server directly from the WordPress control panel. With this add-on, you can monitor basic information such as memory status, processor load, CPU usage, number of active sessions, and other important server data.

In addition, the WP Server Stats offers graphical representation of data for easier understanding and analysis of your server's status. With WP Server Stats, you can manage and monitor your server directly from the WordPress control panel.

PWA: Progressive Web Applications

PWA turns your website into Progressive Web App – PWA, a new generation of websites that combine the features of websites and applications (Apps).

These apps offer a mobile app user experience without the need to install an app from an app store (Play Store or Apple Store etc.).

HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter

The plugin HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter is a useful tool for WordPress users working with HTML code.

With the help of this plugin, the HTML code editor is displayed with coloring, which makes it easier to read and edit the code.

WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache : Site Optimization

The plugin WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache offers a comprehensive solution for optimizing your website on multiple levels.

With this plugin, you can clean your database of unnecessary data, compress your images to reduce file size and create a cache to speed up your site.

WooCommerce : Complete online store

The WooCommerce is a popular WordPress plugin that turns your website into a fully functional e-commerce platform(EShop).

You can create and manage an online store, add products, manage orders and offer secure payments to your customers.

Σε αυτό το άρθρο, εξερευνήσαμε μερικά από τα δημοφιλή πρόσθετα του WordPress που μπορούν να ενισχύσουν τη λειτουργικότητα και την απόδοση του website σας.

Do you use any of them or do you have a strong preference for another plugin? Tell us your experiences and preferences in the comments below!

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